Mystery Jets

The four male members of Mystery Jets leaning against a wall.

Saturday (Day) 27 July 2024, Main stage

It’s hard to believe that it’s more than ten years since Mystery Jets broke surface with their debut album, Making Dens. A Syd Barrett-enthralled troupe fashioning delightfully skewed, potting shed psychedelia out of playful wonky pop and unashamedly proggy flourishes from their Thameside hideout of Eel Pie, the South London island that played midwife to the British R&B boom in the early ’60s.

What’s kept Mystery Jets consistently fascinating is an itchy-footed desire to keep trying new things. To be a follower of Mystery Jets’ music has been to eagerly await the next move of their restlessly curious muse.

It highlights what the kids down the front of their shows shouting “Zoo Time!” have known all along, that at their centre Mystery Jets simply write amazing songs.

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